Hey copywriter, professional growth is never over

Name: Erika Bergström
Job description: Copywriter

What is something that not everyone knows about you?

I’m actually not a morning person but I enjoy having the morning to myself. Sometimes I might work out, sometimes I might have a scheduled, efficient hour of work before the morning’s marketing meeting. I enjoy teamwork, but I also need time to myself and my own work. The same applies to my life in general. I’m social and I enjoy company, but I can only charge my
batteries on my own time.

I have been sporty my whole life and I enjoy an active lifestyle. During the last few years, I have had to adapt my identity of a competitive athlete to be more work oriented. Studying and work take most of my daily life these days, and I have had to leave my competitive swimsuit behind. I have high ambitions for my career, and I believe that the athlete mentality will help me achieve great things in life.

What was the spark that inspired you to join Identio?

I first heard of Identio when I was asked to work for them. The situation was surprising to say the least. Back then I was working in another field while studying. So, Identio offered me my first job that matched my education.

Identio was radiating feel-good energy and I was enthralled by the fact that they were only just starting out. I was enticed by a certain open-mindedness and boldness to take the leap. I wanted to turn this card and it was one of the best decisions of my life.

What drives you in your work?

I always want to be a little better than yesterday. As an athlete, I always worked with the mindset that I would develop at least one thing during a training session. I notice some of the same features at work. I’m ambitious and I want to show myself that I can grow and become a top professional in my field.

It is also important to have mercy on yourself and enjoy the ride. You cannot always focus on the goals and strive forwards. Rest and recovery are equally important. Sometimes you have to stop to see how far you have come.

What would you like to tell your future colleagues?

Learn to verbalise your skills, dare to be yourself and remember that no-one is ever done learning in this field. You don’t have to know everything. It is enough to have a curiosity for new things and courage to challenge yourself.

Are you interested in Identio as a workplace? See our open positions.



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