Fortnightly Dev Vol. 7

Fortnightly Dev Newsletter – from developers to developers.

Fortnightly Dev is a newsletter originally published in our internal #programming-channel. We read it and thought, what the hell — this might even interest someone else.

Graafinen kuvitus, jossa on ohjelmistokehitykseen ja tietokoneisiin liittyviä elementtejä

We’re back! And not just us, but we’ve brought another guest writer with us; our dear colleague and a Go wizard Jimmy Fagerholm. He will enlighten you about how microservices communicate with gRPC. Enjoy the comeback episode of Fortnightly Dev!

🚀 –
You’ve heard of infrastructure as code. How about infrastructure from code? Still in its alpha, provides an alternative approach to creating serverless infrastructure. Build your serverless functions with Rust, annotate said functions using Shuttle’s syntax and voila, you’ve got a working setup. We haven’t used Shuttle yet, but we’d love to hear of your experiences with it.

🥯 Bun –
A recent addition to the JavaScript runtime scene, released this July. Bun places its focus on doing things in a much more speedy fashion than its competitors Node and Deno. The Bun runtime has been written with the Zig programming language, which is an interesting choice, considering Bun now appears to be the largest single Zig codebase. We’re following Bun with curiosity. It has already gathered investor backing and there’s now a company called Oven driving the development forwards.

🍋 A Fresh web framework
Deno’s brand new JavaScript framework, aptly named Fresh, looks really promising. Fresh is a just-in-time rendered framework that ships zero JS code by default, client rendering is strictly opt in on a per-component basis. The framework uses JSX (or TSX) templates using Preact on both the server and the client. On top of all this, Fresh has no build step making development iterations and deployments lightning fast.

🌙 Develop the web without reinventing the wheel, an interview with the developer
Don’t you just love building web applications and dealing with all the same complexity every time? MoonZoon is a full stack framework which has a different take on building web apps and handles challenges like authentication, querying, SEO and the database layer for you. It promises less playing around with tools and configuration so you can focus on what’s important. MoonZoon development is done using Rust, the best programming language.

🏎 gRPC – A high performance, open source universal RPC framework
How do microservices communicate? Some with REST, some with graphQL and others with gRPC.
gRPC takes advantage of Protocol Buffers (protobuf) to define the service API. With the help of the protobuf definitions, you can easily generate idiomatic client and server stubs, in almost any language. Once generated the endpoints can be called like any other method in your code, independent of where your server is located or in which language it’s written. Thanks to HTTP/2-based transport gRPC enables bi-directional streaming and fully integrated pluggable authentication. On top of that, gRPC can be 7 to 10 times faster than REST thanks to HTTP/2 and the tight packing of protobufs.

A few more minutes with tech news? Read the previous volume Fortnightly Dev Vol. 6.


Julius Rajala &
Konsta Purtsi

+358 40 568 4617

+358 40 568 4617

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