Fortnightly Dev Vol. 6

Fortnightly Dev Newsletter – from developers to developers.

Fortnightly Dev is a newsletter originally published in our internal #programming-channel. We read it and thought, what the hell — this might even interest someone else.

Graafinen kuvitus, jossa on ohjelmistokehitykseen ja tietokoneisiin

🎢 You can write slimmer frontend without the Virtual DOM – SvelteSolid, Blogpost
There has been an influx of frontend frameworks without Virtual DOM in recent years. These frameworks promise to deliver similar ergonomics in state-driven declarative UI development as established frameworks such as React, Vue & Angular. They manage DOM changes by knowing at build time how things could change in your app. This approach allows for much smaller bundle size, which will make your app load faster and more responsive. They also claim to be more performant in their DOM updates. Could this be the future of frontend frameworks? We’ll be sure to keep our eyes peeled.

🤖 Gato! New general AI from DeepMind – Gato
DeepMind has been on the forefront of AI-research and now they have made progress in creating a general AI. DeepMind’s new model Gato has been trained using datasets including 3D spaces, robotics, images, games and natural text. Once the Gato model is trained it doesn’t need to be retrained to solve problems like caption images, interactive dialogue, play games, control a robot arm and many other tasks. (Thanks Kristian Roth for writing this)

🐦 Flutter 3 – Flutter 3 Release docs
Flutter 3’s biggest news are likely its desktop targets reaching primetime. You’re now pretty free to build for all platforms using a partly shared codebase. We haven’t tried this, but it sounds pretty cool and by our experiences, the flutter developer experience is pretty great. Other news include support for foldable phones (congratulations to all three foldable phone owners), updates to linting as well as some performance updates. Snappy.

⚛️ React 18 – Part 2: Suspense
React 18 allows for frameworks such as Relay, Next.js or Hydrogen to do data loading through the suspense API. This highlights another step towards React itself catering more for some of the meta frameworks utilising the library in the background. Don’t worry, you can still use suspense for code-splitting. But the React team highlights a future for suspense beyond this earlier use-case.

A few more minutes with tech news? Read Fortnightly Dev Vol. 5


Julius Rajala &
Konsta Purtsi

+358 40 568 4617

+358 40 568 4617

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